Foxy Announces:

Ever since the iPad, I have been reading less on the laptop :P
And hence less inclined to take pictures and review them - bad!!

Taking baby steps to come back on track!

Magazines and Freebies - Oct 09

Whoa... it has been more than a decade I did not read anything in Malay. I was just bored-browsing around, touching some mags when my hands felt something thick behind this mag.. EH! It comes with a pouch! The one and only one left, and its purple! Hahahaha..

The pouch is medium in size, water proof in material, and enough to store my beauty products for a weekend getaway.. Fyi, I usually pack the entire clan of goodies, way more than necessary..

So what is interesting in this issue anyway?

Hmm to be honest, none of the fashion spread looks appealing to me. Just too much blings!

But an Avon ad caught my eyes.
Their True Color Eyeshadow Quads... in Sandy Corals, Romantic, Purple Haze and Fresh Cut Greens. I heart the greens and purple, amazing.

Its selling at $35 each.

The rest of the mag content is pretty bleh to me.. :S
I probably won't buy this again unless I likey the freebie.. hahaha.


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