Foxy Announces:

Ever since the iPad, I have been reading less on the laptop :P
And hence less inclined to take pictures and review them - bad!!

Taking baby steps to come back on track!

The Star 26th January 2010

So, have I not been reading all this while?
Err yes and no.. *sheepish grin* I couldn't describe how insane work has been, still is!

Yes to not reading any books lately.
No to I kinda switched compact reading... the 15 mins breakfast time at the office? The super thin The Sun newspaper, some mags (I'm so left behind now!) and occasionally the full copy of The Star.

So I thought to update some interesting bits of what I've been reading..
I shall not touch on anything politically related or govt in case I get into trouble hehe.

* "Money in Coffin".
Oh boy, this is bizarre. Would you take the chance to cure an illness by placing RM750 million in a coffin; to be kept in a temple for 3 years? A couple was cheated this way by a medium. >_< For a start, I don't have 750 million. But I guess when you're at loss and things don't seem optimistic, you'll consider anything, right?

* "Use Water Wisely
Developers may have to install rainwater-harvesting facilities. I say bravo! Pls do so. I've been day dreaming IF I own a land house, I'd be sure to collect rainwater each time it rains! I learned that its actually nutritious to plants, besides the main benefits of using water wisely. We could actually use it to wash the pavements / floor, car, toilet, water the plants - think of how much we could actually save! :)

Too bad I live in an apartment; will have to think of other ways to save. But infact, my apartment has started to collect rainwater, and we have a tap for us to wash our car etc (pilot project). Maybe the supply is just not enough at the mo...

* Food
This is the main reason why I buy The Star on Tuesdays! Heee.. lovely recipes. Today's are Frozen Souffles, Dry Curry Crab, Fook Chow Sweet n Sour Sea Cucumber Soup and Baked Herbal Sparerib Parcels. Mouth watering right? The Boyfriend doesn't really fancy  sweet stuffs, but Momma does :D He can try the Curry Crab - IF I attempt it hehehhehe. Will update the recipes on my food blog ;)

* Colors and Personalities
Quoted from Faber Birren's book - Color and Human Response.
So it seems that colors selection reveals alot about your personality.

Likes Pink 
- Lives in fairly wealthy neighbourhood, well educated, indulged and protected. Someone who had a rough time in live, and now yearns for the tenderness in pink.

Likes Blue
- Color of conservatism, accomplishment, devotion, deliberation, introspection. Goes with people who knows how to earn money, make the right connections in life, and seldom do anything impulsive. (What about impulse buy? Hehe)

Likes Grey
- Cautious, seek composure and peace.

Likes Orange
- Enhances the ambitious mind and stimulate creativity. Friendly, quick witted and possess good social etiquette.

Likes Yellow
- Color of joy, indicating mental and spiritual intelligence. Peace, merriment, originality and wisdom.

Likes Green
- Civilized and well adjusted social creature. Neither bad mannered nor impulsive.

Likes Red
- Full of vitality, happiness, love, sexy and opinionated. Maybe lack of bravery?

Dislike Red
- Frustrated person, angry over unfulfilled life. Mentally ill person. (Whoa.. I don't really fancy red and I'm definitely not mental!)

Dislike Blue
- Signal revolt, guilt, sense of failure. Anger over other's accomplishment.

Dislike Green
- Mentally disturbed (huh?!?!)

Dislike Brown
- Impatience with anything uninteresting

Dislike Pink
- Annoyance with those who are pampered and indulged, rich, the sophisticated, the vain.

Okies.. thats all for now ;)


Beauty Guru said...

Gosh i'm mentally disturbed!!!!

Foxy Frangipani said...

Hahahah it doesn't really make sense right?

I don't like some green, so am I partially mentally disturbed? Hehe..

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